It’s that time of year again. Children and college students will soon be back at school which means plenty of drivers (and new teen drivers), buses, pedestrians, and cyclists on the road.
While this can be an exciting time of the year, it’s also important that drivers – old and new – obey the laws and rules of the road. Your Houston car accident attorneys at Lapeze & Johns want to offer you a few guidelines to follow for this back-to-school season to keep you, your loved ones, and others safe while traveling to and from school.
According to a study done by the National Safety Council, most of the children who lose their lives in bus-related accidents are 4 to 7 years old and are walking. These tragedies occur when the child is hit by the bus or by a motorist that refuses to pay attention to the bus’ stop sign and illegally passes it.
A few ways to keep our children safe are:
Schools often have pick up/drop off regulations. These rules are created to protect the children and it is extremely important for parents to be careful in these school zones. A few tips to follow when in a school zone include:
Most schools have a designated pick area so be sure to follow the rules and use these areas accordingly. Again, avoid dropping off and picking up your children in the middle of a busy street.
You should always avoid using your cell phone or other mobile device while operating a vehicle – especially in school zones. Not only is it unsafe for the driver and those around you but it could also cost you a $200 fine if you are caught using your phone.
The speed limit is always significantly slower in school zones for a reason; there are a plethora of other cars, buses, and pedestrians.
Also, fines are usually doubled in school zones, so slow down!
Driving alongside buses is quite a bit different than driving alongside a car. There a few different rules that you should follow including:
One of the ways children get to and from school is by riding their bikes. Often, drivers will use the bicycle lane as the turning lane, which is illegal. Avoid forcing a cyclist out into the road where there’s a higher likelihood that they can get hit.