Oilfield workers have some of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Work conditions and environmental challenges can lead to serious injuries – and at times even death.
Thankfully, an expert witness can help to corroborate the significance of your injuries if you have been involved in an oilfield accident.
The Houston oilfield accident lawyers at Lapeze & Johns are ready to fight for oilfield workers who have suffered any form of injury at work. By working closely with a supporting team of expert witnesses, we’ll develop the best case for you to ensure you get the compensation your injury warrants.
An eyewitness is an individual that was present during your accident and can provide their personal account of the situation.
An expert witness , however, is a professional that was not present at the accident but has expert knowledge from education, training, or experience in a specific subject to help attest to your injuries. Personal injury attorneys often hire an expert witness to defend a client’s rights and to attest to the severity of injuries and damages incurred by the plaintiff which were caused by the defendant(s).
In oilfield accidents, the accident can occur as a result of a lack of safety precautions, a mishap with machinery, or an employee being insufficiently trained. An expert witness can attest to the necessary safety precautions that must be maintained on site and how an oil rig must be properly managed.
Whether it be a supervisor, site manager, or another party responsible for the accident, the defendants and their insurance companies will put up a fight to avoid full payout – or any payout for that matter. The responsible parties may try to diminish their liability in the situation or place fault back on the injured employee.
An expert witness can examine the situation and determine the failure that led to the accident. Furthermore, they can attest to the physical and monetary damages suffered as a result of the accident.
An expert witness has the capacity to breakdown jargon and complex facts surrounding the case that may be confusing to jurors. Depending on their subject of expertise, an expert witness can introduce medical or technical concepts in layman’s terms.
The expert witness represents a neutral opinion based on the facts and knowledge that they have acquired. Their separation of allegiance from both the defendant and the plaintiff amplifies the validity of their testimony, thus boosting your claim from a standpoint if their opinion validates your claims.
Establishing a set monetary value on all loses accumulated from the accident is difficult, however, expert witnesses can testify to the extent of your injuries and need for medical treatment. Furthermore, they can support costs associated with monetary damages the injured party has suffered.
An expert witness has the ability to speed up the litigation process because of their knowledge and expertise. The defendant may settle after the expert witness has spoken because their unbiased standing supports your claims and weakens theirs.
Oilfield and Rig Expert Witnesses may include any of the following professionals:
Your first line of defense when you have suffered an oilfield injury is to consult an expert attorney. These types of claims require attorneys with specialized knowledge because of the legal difficulty associated with big oil rig companies and the multiple parties that can be involved.
The Gulf Coast oilfield injury attorneys at Lapeze and Johns can offer a team of support to secure your claim, including expert witnesses.