Car accidents can range from a nuisance to deadly, but truck accidents are much more likely to be seriously dangerous. In 2019, just over 2% of truck accidents in Texas resulted in at least one fatality. In comparison, less than half of 1% of passenger car accidents resulted in death.
Due to their severity, it’s especially important that Texas drivers become familiar with methods to avoid accidents with semi-trucks. It’s also essential that they know how to get the compensation they need if they are involved in such an accident.
Today, your trusted Houston truck accident attorneys at Lapeze & Johns, PLLC , will discuss how to avoid Texas truck accidents and what to do if you are involved in one.
We’ve all probably had this experience: you’re driving on the highway only to suddenly be surrounded by massive 18-wheelers. These huge vehicles can be frightening to share a road with, but knowing the best ways to drive around trucks can help you stay calm and stay safe:
Generally, you should follow the same steps after a truck accident as you would any other type of crash. Keep in mind that you may need to adjust these suggestions if the situation is more complex, for example, if road rage is involved or power lines have been struck.
While your insurance adjuster might be friendly and caring, their job is to save their company money. Because of this, you will need to be careful not to say anything that could potentially jeopardize your rights to compensation.
Determining Liability After a Truck Accident
Determining who was responsible for an accident involving a large commercial truck can be difficult due to the high number of individuals and entities with control over what happens to and with that truck.
If you’ve been involved in a Texas truck accident, one or all of the following parties could have played a role:
Even relatively minor truck accidents can result in substantial expenses. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident caused by the actions or negligence of someone else, you deserve compensation for those losses.