On the morning of Tuesday, July 22nd, a 27-year-old man passed away after being struck by a vehicle as he was walking through incoming traffic.
According to local authorities, the accident occurred around 3:20 a.m. within the 4600 block of Southwest Freeway near Newcastle Drive. The victim was attempting to cross over to the other side of the freeway and proceeded to do so while there was incoming traffic.
An incoming vehicle swerved out of the way to avoid striking the man, but a second vehicle ultimately took his life. Both drivers did not suffer any injuries and no criminal charges have been filed at this time.
Houston PD will continue their investigation regarding the accident.
When a vehicle directly strikes a human being, it can cause life-changing injuries and potentially death. To put this event into perspective, auto-pedestrian accidents accounted for a total of 17% of all traffic-related deaths on U.S. roadways in 2018. Texas alone accounted for 621 total pedestrian fatalities that same year.
More recently, early projections indicate that 2019 was the deadliest year for pedestrian fatalities since 1988, with a recorded death toll of 6,590.
While these accidents may occur far too often, there are simple precautions we as drivers or pedestrians can do to help reduce these preventable tragedies.
When an unexpected auto-pedestrian accident occurs, it is crucial to seek legal action against the negligent person responsible for your injuries. The car accident lawyers of Lapeze & Johns serve victims in Houston and it’s surrounding areas, guiding them every step of the way to seek the appropriate financial compensation they deserve!