The human body is very fragile, especially the neck and back area. The tendons, muscles, and ligaments in these regions can be easily damaged in a truck accident, especially in rear-end accidents.
Oftentimes, truck accidents happen suddenly and without warning, leaving victims without the opportunity to brace themselves. Even in a minor accident, the size of a commercial truck can still cause tremendous damage.
When a negligent or distracted truck driver changes your life, you deserve justice and compensation for the injuries you have suffered. When you are in need of a dependable and experienced legal team, look towards the Houston truck accident attorneys of Lapeze & Johns to help you fight for what you deserve.
Common causes of truck accidents can vary from weather conditions to drunk or distracted drivers. When a negligent driver is operating a large truck or commercial vehicle, the results of their behavior can lead to a tragic accident.
In terms of neck or back injuries, the most common types of damages an individual suffers from include:
Regardless of the severity of your accident, it is in your best interests to seek out medical care if you believe you have suffered a back or neck injury.
The following signs and symptoms of a neck or back injury should be taken seriously. They could be signs of bigger health problems that require immediate medical attention.
The effects of these injuries may not be felt for hours or days, so getting treatment early enough can stop some of the more serious issues you could face down the road.
Depending on how serious your truck accident is, you may require various forms of treatment, which can include:
Generally, the more severe your back or neck injury, the greater the compensation you will be able to recover. While there is no set amount of compensation for such an injury, the following factors will play a role in determining how much you will be able to secure: