Truckers play an essential role in our lives. If it wasn’t for them, our grocery stores wouldn’t be stocked, our restaurants wouldn’t have any food, and a lot of goods would still be left on cargo ships.
But as important as truckers are to our everyday lives and national economy, the fact is that there are a lot of them on the open road. Unfortunately, trucking companies have a notorious reputation for pushing their drivers to the brink of exhaustion with rigorous schedules, which can put fellow motorists at risk of a serious accident.
If you have been the victim of a serious accident, the Houston truck accident attorneys at Lapeze & Johns, PLLC , are ready to protect your rights and help you deal with insurance companies
The first thing you should know is that truck accidents and car accidents are not the same. Truck accidents often result in far more serious injuries that may include burns, broken bones, spinal injuries, amputations, paralysis, and even the loss of a loved one.
One of the biggest mistakes that people make is that they hire a car attorney to represent them instead of a reputable truck accident attorney. Because the trucking industry is regulated by federal laws, and since truck drivers often cross state lines, you’ll need a Texas attorney who is familiar with how to navigate the entire process that comes with dealing with truck industry insurers.
While accepting an insurance company’s first offer would mean you have access to funds more quickly, you would also be nullifying your right to pursue legal actions in regard to future costs for damages you have suffered.
The financial burden can really mount up over time if you have suffered a serious injury that requires frequent hospitalization, surgery, or other forms of treatment. On top of that, insurance companies are known to offer below the actual value of your claim, undercutting much of the compensation that you deserve.
Knowing when to accept an offer is just as important as actually securing one. With guidance from your lawyer, you’ll want to make sure that you have completely healed from the damages you have suffered. This way, you’ll be able to recover compensation for all medical costs and damages you have suffered – and you’ll have the paperwork (bills and medical documents) to prove it.
If you have decided to work with a qualified attorney – which is your best option – you can start crafting your car accident demand letter, which takes into account all the traumatic effects that you’ve dealt with as a result of the accident.
You don’t have to deal with a semi-truck accident alone.
Our experienced Houston truck accident attorneys are more than capable of helping you fight to secure the compensation you need for your pain and suffering, lost wages, along with property damage, emotional distress, or disfigurement.
If necessary, we can even help you file a wrongful death claim.