An SUV was crushed between two 18-wheelers and caught fire in Terrell, Texas on Tuesday, August 21. The accident occurred on Interstate 20 and left the SUV’s three passengers dead.
Truck accidents frequently result in severe injuries and even death, and unfortunately, it is mostly for the passengers of traditional passenger vehicles. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , smaller vehicles commonly underride 18-wheelers because the trucks can be up to 30 times the size of passenger cars.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, approximately 4,000 people have been killed in underriding crashes between 1994 and 2015.
Trucks on highways pose a great threat to the safety of passenger vehicles. Truck drivers make long trips with materials and freight in a variety of weather conditions. The accidents are unpredictable and can pose a variety of dangers to those on Texas highways.
It is important for all drivers on the road to drive much more cautiously when riding alongside these massive trucks.
Below are some of the smartest driving tips that you can take in order to help you avoid a serious collision with a commercial truck:
Both the driver of normal passenger cars and commercial trucks should give adequate space between their vehicles. As a driver, you increase your risk of not being seen by the truck driver if you trail too closely behind or beside the truck.
Trucks have a narrow view of cars that travel beside them. Sometimes, traffic causes you to have to drive closely beside trucks. Stay away from blind spots when traveling alongside 18-wheelers.
When making an emergency stop alongside the road, it is essential that you pull over as far away from passing traffic because of the increased chance of collision with wide passing vehicles. If it is possible, avoid making stops on highways or near highway exits.
18-wheelers make wide turns and can have a limited view of the cars while turning. Drive at a safe distance and be patient when a truck is switching lanes or turning off of a road. Rushing into a turning truck can lead to a tragic accident.
Though many cars see it as a safer option to pass trucks traveling on the highway, driving at fast speeds to make a pass can be dangerous and risky. If you chose to pass a truck, be vigilant of the truck’s path and do not speed as you may put other drivers in harm’s way.
Commercial trucks are known to cause dangerous accidents and costly damages that can total into the hundreds of thousands. The Houston truck accident experts of Lapeze & Johns have the experience in dealing with truck laws and regulations, and want to help you recover from damages and costs of injuries.
Source: inForney